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О проекте
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Индексирование: JCR (1 января 1970 г.-), Scopus (1 января 1970 г.-), Белый список (20 октября 2022 г.-)
Период активности журнала: не указан
Другие названия журнала:
Journal of Asian Earth Science
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Местоположение издательства:
United Kingdom
1367-9120 (Print)
Статьи, опубликованные в журнале
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Origin of the Badar Sand Field and the late pleistocene tectonic movements in the Tunka depression, the Baikal Rift Zone, Eastern Siberia
Chebotarev A.A.,
Arzhannikov S.G.
Arzhannikova A.V.
Kurbanov R.N.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 260
U-Pb ages of detrital zircons and composition of clastic sedimentary rocks from the southern periphery of the Siberian craton: Implications for the earliest Cambrian evolution of southern Siberia
Motova Zinaida L., Donskaya Tatiana V., Gladkochub Dmitrii P.,
Khubanov Valentin B.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 264
Late Paleozoic – Cretaceous paleotectonic reconstructions of NE Asia: Insights from U–Pb dating detrital zircons from sandstones in the Algan and Ust’- Belaya terranes (NE Russia)
Moiseev A.V.
Gushchina M.Yu
Sokolov S.D.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 252
Late Paleozoic – Cretaceous paleotectonic reconstructions of NE Asia: Insights from U–Pb dating detrital zircons from sandstones in the Algan and Ust’- Belaya terranes (NE Russia)
Moiseev A.V.
Gushchina M.Yu
Sokolov S.D.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 252
Late Paleozoic – Cretaceous paleotectonic reconstructions of NE Asia: Insights from U–Pb dating detrital zircons from sandstones in the Algan and Ust’-Belaya terranes (NE Russia)
Moiseev Artem V.
Yu Gushchina Mariia
Sokolov Sergey D.
, O'Sullivan Paul B.,
Khubanov Valentin B.
Erofeeva Kseniya G.
Dubenskiy Alexander S.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 252
Environmental changes since 14 ka BP in the southernmost Kuril islands (North-Western Pacific) and regional correlation of events
Razjigaeva Nadezhda G.
Ganzey Larisa A.
, Grebennikova Tatiana A., Mokhova Ludmila M., Rybin Alexander V.,
Nazarova Larisa B.
Arslanov Khikmatulla A.
Maksimov Fedor E.
Petrov Alexey Yu
Zazovskaya Elya P.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, № 226, с. 1-15
The Bazman and Taftan volcanoes of southern Iran: Implications for along-arc geochemical variation and magma storage conditions above the Makran low-angle subduction zone
Delavari Morteza
Mehrabi Behzad
Zelenski Michael
Chaplygin Ilya
Nekrylov Nikolai
Shakeri Ata
Taran Yuri
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 233, с. 1-20
Deep mantle roots of the Zarnitsa kimberlite pipe, Siberian craton, Russia: Evidence for multistage polybaric interaction with mantle melts
Ashchepkov Igor
Medvedev Nikolay
, Ivanov Alexander,
Vladykin Nikolay
Ntaflos Theodoros
Downes Hilary
Saprykin Anatoliy
Tolstov Alxander
Vavilov Mikhail
Shmarov Gleb
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 213, с. 104756
Paleomagnetism of the Permian-Triassic intrusions from the Norilsk region (the Siberian platform, Russia): Implications for the timing and correlation of magmatic events, and magmatic evolution
Latyshev Anton
Krivolutskaya Nadezhda
Ulyakhina Polina
Fetisova Anna
Veselovskiy Roman
Pasenko Alexander
Khotylev Alexey
Anosova Maiia
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Liu Rui Li An, Zhang Shimin,
Guo Changhui
Chen Zhidan
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northernward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Rui Liu An Li, Shimin Zhang,
Changhui Guo
Zhidan Chen
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188, с. 1-15
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northernward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Rui Liu An Li
Shimin Zhang
Changhui Guo
Zhidan Chen
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188, с. 1-15
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northernward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Rui Liu An Li, Shimin Zhang,
Changhui Guo
Zhidan Chen
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188, с. 1-15
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northernward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Rui Liu An Li, Shimin Zhang,
Changhui Guo
Zhidan Chen
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188, с. 1-15
A NW-striking dextral strike-slip fault at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault and its tectonic implications for northernward growth of the Tibetan Plateau
Rui Liu An Li, Shimin Zhang, Changhui Guo, Zhidan Chen
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 188, с. 1-15
A comparative study of two Mississippian dolostone reservoirs in the Volga-Ural Basin, Russia
Kolchugin Anton
Immenhauser Adrian
Morozov Vladimir
, Walter Benjamin, Eskin Aleksey, Korolev Eduard, Neuser Rolf
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 199
Surface-Rupturing Paleoearthquakes in the Kurai Fault Zone (Gorny Altai, Russia): Trenching and Geophysical Evidence
Irina Turova,
Evgeny Deev
Nataliya Pozdnyakova
Andrey Entin
Nina Nevedrova
Ilya Shaparenko
Svetlana Bricheva
Andrey Korzhenkov
Redzhep Kurbanov
Andrey Panin
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 197, № 104399
Early Carboniferous metamorphism of the Neoproterozoic South Tien Shan-Karakum basement: New geochronological results from Baisun and Kyzylkum, Uzbekistan
Konopelko D.
, Biske Y.S., Kullerud, K, Ganiev I., Seltmann, R,
, W,
, R, Wang B., Safonova I., Kotler P., Shatov V.,
Wong Sun M.&.
, J
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 177, с. 275-286
Electrical resistivity structure of the Xiaojiang strike-slip fault system (SW China) and its tectonic implications
Xin Li,
Bai Denghai
, Xiaobing Ma, Chen Yun,
Varentsov Ivan M.
, Xue Guoqiang, Xue Shuai,
Lozovsky Ilya
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 176, с. 57-67
Hydrological response of loess slopes with reference to widespread landslide events in the Heifangtai terrace, NW China
Xu Q.
Peng D.
, Zhang X., Xing H., Zhang S.,
Kang K.
, Qi X., Ju Y., Zhao K.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 171, с. 259-276
Late Carboniferous (Kasimovian) closure of the South Tianshan Ocean: No Triassic subduction
Alexeiev D.V.
Бискэ Ю.С.
Djenchuraeva A.V.
Kröner A.
Getman O.F.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 173, с. 54-60
Elemental and isotopic (Nd-Sr-O) geochemistry of eclogites from the Zamtyn-Nuruu area (SW Mongolia): Crustal contribution and relation to Neoproterozoic subduction-accretion events
Skuzovatov S.Y.
Shatsky V.S.
, Dril S.I., Perepelov A.B.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 167, с. 33-51
Geology, mineralization, and fluid inclusion characteristics of the Kashkasu W-Mo-Cu skarn deposit associated with a high-potassic to shoshonitic igneous suite in Kyrgyzstan, Tien Shan: Toward a diversity of W mineralization in Central Asia
Soloviev S.G.
Kryazhev S.G.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 153, с. 425-449
Isotopic and trace element geochemistry of the Seligdar magnesiocarbonatites (South Yakutia, Russia): Insights regarding the mantle evolution beneath the Aldan-Stanovoy shield
Doroshkevich A.G.
, Prokopyev I.R.,
Izokh A.E.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 154, с. 354-368
Isotopic and trace element geochemistry of the Seligdar magnesiocarbonatites (South Yakutia, Russia): Insights regarding the mantle evolution beneath the Aldan-Stanovoy shield
Doroshkevich A.G.
, Prokopyev I.R.,
Izokh A.E.
в журнале
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
, издательство
Pergamon Press Ltd.
(United Kingdom)
, том 154, с. 354-368
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