07 Янв |
Environmental impact of the launch vehicle “Soyuz-FG” emergency falling in Kazakhstan
Semenkov I., Bekeshev E., Stepanova Ye, Karpachevskiy A., Lednev S., Klink G., Yerzhanov Y., Bapyshev A., Koroleva T.
05 Янв |
Contamination assessment and source identification of metals and metalloids in submicron road dust ( PM1) in Moscow Megacity
Vlasov D., Kosheleva N., Shinkareva G., Kasimov N.
31 Дек |
Gypsum content and gypsum morphotypes in irrigated soils of the Zhezkazgan Botanical Garden (Semideserts of Kazakhstan Republik)
Golovanov D.L., Kravchenko E.I., Yamnova I.A., Lebedeva M.P., Mushnikova N.A., Ishmuratova M.Yu, Kusherbayev S., Amanzholov A., Myrzabayev A.B., Matveev A.