Аннотация:The isolation and identification of peptides from the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G., which has been widely used in recent years as a model for studying plant biology, has been described. It was shown for the first time that protoplasts, the protonemata, and gametophores of Ph. patens contain a variety of peptides. From gametophores, 58 peptides, which are the fragments of 14 proteins, and from the protonemata, 49 peptides, the fragments of 15 proteins, were isolated and identified. It was found that the protonemata and gametophores of Ph. patens, which are the successive stages of the development of this plant, significantly differ from each other in both the peptide composition and the spectrum of precursor proteins of the identified peptides. The isolation of protoplasts during the enzymatic destruction of the protonema cell wall is accompanied by massive degradation of intracellular proteins, many of which are the proteins of the protosynthetic system, which is a characteristic response of higher plants to environmental stress factors. In all, 323 peptides, which are the fragments of 79 proteins, were isolated and identified from moss protoplasts.