Место издания:Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
Первая страница:143
Последняя страница:143
Performance monitoring involves detection of action outcomes and initiation of behavioral adaptations. This process
is based on verification of outcome predictions, manifested during response execution as error-related negativity
(ERN) and correct-related negativity (CRN). Outcome awareness may be related to error positivity (Pe). Predictions are
apparently dependent upon uncertainty that follows stimulus evaluation and decision making. In the current study,
we attempted to investigate relations between behavioral performance measures and several ERP components: N2 as
a correlate of pre-response conflict, and ERN/CRN and Pe as two different correlates of performance monitoring.
EEG was recorded while participants preformed a cognitively demanding condensation task. We used mouse tracking to
record participants’ behavioral responses, which allowed us to obtain two behavioral measures.
Movement initiation time can be considered a proxy of a conventional response time. N2 was increased and CRN was
decreased for ‘late’ correct responses compared with ‘early’ correct ones, which is compatible with the explanation that
‘late’ responses involve higher pre-response conflict and higher uncertainty, while ‘early’ responses involve lower level of
uncertainty. Movement duration time was a novel independent behavioral parameter, that cannot be measured using
traditional keystrokes. The early Pe was more positive for ‘long’ responses compared with ‘short’ ones, which may be explained by mechanisms of inhibition of an ongoing response. We suggest that this effect is linked to response stopping,
which may be related to outcome awareness.
Thus, we show differential modulation of ERP correlates of conflict monitoring and performance monitoring in relation
to uncertainty and response stopping.