The Distribution of Elements in the Vertical Section of Bottom Sediments in the Black Seaстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 7 июля 2020 г.
Аннотация:The microelement composition of the vertical section of bottom sediments in the Black Sea has been studied. The analysis of the calculated enrichment factors relative to the mean composition of theEarth’s crust has shown that the lithogenic source dominates for most microelements. We revealed a significant enrichment with Ca and Sr (due to bioaccumulation) and with S, As, and Mo (as a result of hydrogen sulfide contamination and the effect of mud volcanoes). The calculated indicator ratios of elements allow evaluation of the presence of exhalation components in sediments (Fe + Mn/Ti) and of the transportation distance of terrigenous material (Ti/Zr). Paleoreconstruction of salinity (Corg/S) and oxidation-reduction conditions in the bottom water layer (Mn/Fe, Mo/Mn, V/(V + Ni), and V/Mn) performed.