First Historical Eruption of Kambalny Volcanoстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 мая 2020 г.
Аннотация:The first historical eruption of Kambalny volcano began on March 24, 2017 with the powerful ash emission from the summit crater reaching as high as 6 km above sea level. The explosive activity continued without interruption from March 24 to March 30. The most powerful ash emission was registered on March 25–26, when the ash plume drifted several thousand kilometers SW, S, and SE from the volcano. On April 2 and April 9, after several calm days, powerful ash explosions occurred generating ash plumes up to 7 km high. The area of the land and sea over which the ash plume drifted during the day of March 25, was 650000 km2; the area of the ash accumulation on the land that was formed from March 24 to April 9, exceeded 1500 km2. These parameters were measured using the satellite-based data in the VolSatView information system. Domination of the silty fraction and the presence of secondary minerals (pyrite, gypsum, sulfur, and others) in the ash point to the phreatic character of the volcanic eruption.