Retrieving color and shape information from working memory: the role of the PHC1, hV4 and VO1 areasстатьяТезисы
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 августа 2021 г.
Аннотация:We studied the role of the visual cortex areas during retrieving color and shape information from working memory.Methods. N=22. Single blots of different colors and shapes (9 shapes, 8 colors) were presented. There were 3 experimental series in which required to remember different characteristics of the stimulus: color, shape, or both color and shape. Then 4 blots were presented, and the subject had to choose a stimulus with a memorized characteristic.EEG was recorded, visual EPs were calculated for the task of retrieving information. Using Brainstorm (Tadel, 2011), we determined the sources of activation in 25 areas of the visual cortex (the dSPM algorithm (Dale, 2000); the coordinates of areas (Wang, 2015)). A connectivity analysis was performed using the Granger causality method (Seth, 2015).Results. Activation of hV4 areas of visual cortex was detected in all series requiring color retrieval at 200 ms. Activation of VO1 areas was present during shape recognition at 300 ms. At 200-300 ms latency, along with activation of the hV4, activation of the posterior parahippocampal cortex (PHC1) was observed and repeated at 300-400 ms latency simultaneously with the activation of the VO1.Discussion. We suggest that activation of PHC1 areas are associated with retrieving information from visual working memory. The stimulus characteristics are transferred from PHC1 to hV4 and VO1 areas. hV4 probably integrates color information from memory and from the image of perception. VO1 performs a similar function when recalling the shape of the stimulus. Supported by RSF, project 19-18-00474