Pyrophosphate-fueled Na+ and H+ transport in prokaryotesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 19 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:In its early history, life appeared to depend on pyrophosphate
rather than ATP as the source of energy. Ancient membrane pyrophosphatases
that couple pyrophosphate hydrolysis to active
H transport across biological membranes (H-pyrophosphatases)
have long been known in prokaryotes, plants, and protists.
Recent studies have identified two evolutionarily related and
widespread prokaryotic relics that can pump Na (Na-pyrophosphatase)
or both Na and H (Na,H-pyrophosphatase).
Both these transporters require Na for pyrophosphate hydrolysis
and are further activated by K. The determination of the threedimensional
structures of H- and Na-pyrophosphatases has
been another recent breakthrough in the studies of these cation
pumps. Structural and functional studies have highlighted the
major determinants of the cation specificities of membrane pyrophosphatases
and their potential use in constructing transgenic
stress-resistant organisms.