Thermal Stability of Carbohydrides Obtained by the High-Energy Ball Milling of Titanium in a Toluene Mediumстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 8 апреля 2022 г.
Аннотация:Titanium carbohydrides were obtained by high-energy milling of titanium in a planetary ball milling the presence of toluene. Depending on the duration of high-energy milling, HCC and HCP carbohydrides with different carbon and hydrogen contents were obtained. The structural-phase state and thermal stability of the solid phase of the reaction mixture at successive stages of mechanosynthesis have been studied by the methods of X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal desorption, and scanning electron spectroscopy. At short milling times (50 min), an endothermic peak appears at a temperature of 430°C due to the α → β-phase transformation in Ti in the presence of hydrogen. Hydrogen stabilizes β-Ti, reducing the temperature of its formation to a temperature of 300°C. The exothermic peak at a temperature of about 530°C corresponds to the release of the deformation energy of the crushed Ti powder. Treatment in a planetary mill for 5 hours leads to the formation of a mixture of α-Ti (HCP) and Ti carbohydrides (HCP and FCC). It is established that for HCP-carbohydrides, a higher temperature of hydrogen desorption is observed than for HCC-carbohydrides. The correlation of the thermal desorption peaks and the differential scanning calorimetry curves is discussed. Assumptions are made about the mechanisms of thermally stimulated structural–phase transformations of carbohydrides.