Effect of chemical modification of lipase on the regulation of its lipolytic activity in reversed micellesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 28 мая 2015 г.
Аннотация:Hydrophilized and hydrophobized forms of the lipase from Mucor miehei were obtained by its chemical modification with cellobiose and N-succinimidyl palmitate with a modification degree of 4 in both cases. A comparative analysis of the regulation of the catalytic activities of the native and modified lipases was carried out in the system of reversed micelles of OT aerosol (AOT) in isooctane. The level of catalytic activity of all the lipase preparations in the micellar medium was found to be higher than that in aqueous solution. The chemical modification of lipase did not result in a change in the regulation of the oligomeric composition of the enzyme controlled by the degree of micelle hydration П‰0 (micelle size). The kcat dependences on П‰0 for each lipase preparation exhibit two maxima, corresponding to the functioning of lipase monomers and tetramers. The changes in the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of the lipase surface significantly affect the character of the regulation of enzyme activity due to changes in the surfactant concentration (the number of micelles). The lipase hydrophobization results in a decrease in the enzyme activation effect with an increase in the AOT concentration in comparison with the native lipase. The lipase hydrophilization dramatically decreases the activity of lipase tetramer when the AOT concentration is increased. The catalytic activity of the monomer of hydrophilized lipase is practically independent of the AOT concentration. Kinetic data indicate a mixed type of activation of both oligomeric forms of the native and the hydrophobized lipase by AOT molecules and the noncompetitive type of the activation and AOT inhibition of the monomer and the tetramer of the hydrophilized lipase, respectively.