Some Thermodynamic Properties of Propiconazole Used as Fungicide and its Mixture with Carbon Dioxide Involved in the Process of Wood Impregnationстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 1 мая 2024 г.
Аннотация:The paper presents the results of impregnation of dried common pine (Pinus sylvestris) specimens withpropiconazole using a supercritical fl uid CO2 impregnation process carried out at a temperature of 338 K inthe pressure range of 10–30 MPa. Within the framework of the formation of a database on the properties of theimpregnation material required for the stages of modeling, optimization, and scaling of the impregnation process,an investigation was conducted of some thermodynamic properties of a propiconazole–carbon dioxide mixture inthe supercritical fl uid region of the state. The isomeric composition of propiconazole has been investigated, andit has been established that it represents a mixture of two isomers. The methods of thermogravimetric analysisand diff erential scanning calorimetry have been used to study the thermal characteristics of propiconazole. Thepaper presents the results of an experimental investigation of propiconazole solubility in supercritical carbondioxide on the isotherms T = 338, 358, and 378 K in the pressure range of 10–30 MPa. The experimental data onsolubility have been described using the Peng–Robinson equation of state and providing the pressure of saturatedpropiconazole vapors with the status of the second adjustable parameter in the calculation algorithm. The paperpresents the results of an experimental investigation of the isobaric heat capacity of propiconazole at atmosphericpressure in the temperature interval of 313–573 K and of propiconazole–carbon dioxide mixture in the timperatureinterval of 313–473 K and the pressure range of 0.098–25.0 MPa.