Does Biological Longevity Depend on the Magnetic Fields?статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 15 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:Discovery of magnetic isotope effect in chemistry elucidated new frontiers in magneto-chemistryof genes. The loading of polymerases with 25Mg2+, 43Ca2+, and 67Zn2+ ions carrying magnetic nuclei insteadof 24Mg2+, 40Ca2+, and 64Zn2+ ions with nonmagnetic nuclei disclosed a huge isotope effect: nuclear magneticions decrease the rate of the DNA and gene synthesis by 3–5 times with respect to ions with nonmagneticnuclei. The effect certifies new, enzymatic radical pair mechanism, which includes electron transferfrom the growing DNA chain to the catalyzing ion as a first step of the mechanism. The key processes of genefunctioning—DNA synthesis, DNA damage, and DNA repair – are shown to be magnetically controlled andmechanism of the control is physically substantiated. The effect of magnetic fields on the DNA synthesis,Hayflick limit, and biological longevity is discussed.