Method for Analysis of Asymmetric Spectra Based on the Information Entropy ModelстатьяИсследовательская статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 июля 2024 г.
Аннотация:The possibility is considered of using asymmetric distributions to analyze emission/absorptionspectra, which enables revealing the structure of polymodal spectra. A necessary condition for existence of the spectrum is a nonnegative relative increment of tis amplitude (emission/absorption intensity). The use ofasymmetric distributions in spectrum shape simulation involves a certain type of differential equation, where the left-hand side is a relative amplitude increment and the right-hand side is the decreasing nonlinear function. As a result, a model is obtained, in which the signal amplitude increment is defined by classical resultsof statistical physics (L. Boltzmann, M Planck) and information theory (C. Shannon) that correspond to the limited growth model (Gompertz model). On the basis of the anamorphism of this model, relaxation parameters of the spectrum are determined, which are treated as objective characteristics of emission/absorptionspectra. The result is illustrated by the analysis of the luminescence spectrum of deionized water.