Аннотация:Abstract—Effect of a poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) stabilizer concentration on the parameters of nanoparticlesprepared by nanoprecipitation of biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) copolymers hasbeen studied. It has been revealed that, at a constant concentration of the organic phase (5 mg/mL), thehydrodynamic diameter of PLGA particles does not depend on stabilizer concentration in an aqueous phase(2.5–15 mg/mL) and is ~130–140 nm, while the polydispersity index and the absolute value of the electroki-netic potential of the particles decrease with an increase in the PVA concentration. It has been shown that thePVA concentration has almost no effect on the content of a hydrophobic model drug, docetaxel, loaded intothe PLGA particles, as well as on its in vitro cytotoxic activity against mice colorectal carcinoma cells andhuman embryo lung fibroblasts of the CT26 and WI-38 lines, respectively. At the same time, the ability ofdrug-loaded PLGA particles to lyophilization and subsequent redispersion in water depend on the stabilizerconcentration: the higher the PVA concentration in the system the easier the redispersion of the particles totheir initial sizes.