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The XXVI Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (RuPAC–2018) was held in Protvino, Moscow Region on October 1–5, 2018. It was co-organized by the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences for Charged Particle Accelerators, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS (BINP, Novosibirsk), and Institute for High Energy Physics of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (NRC KI – IHEP, Protvino). Goal of the event was to facilitate information interchange and discussion of various aspects of accelerator science and technology, beam physics, new accelerator development, upgrade of existing facilities, and use of accelerators for basic and applied research. The scientific program covered the conventional topics: 1. Modern trends in accelerators 2. Colliders 3. Particle dynamics in accelerators and storage rings, cooling methods, new methods of acceleration 4. High intensity cyclic and linear accelerators 5. Heavy ions accelerators 6. Synchrotron radiation sources and free electron lasers 7. Magnetic and vacuum systems, power supplies 8. Superconducting accelerators and cryogenics 9. RF power structures and systems 10. Control and diagnostic systems 11. Ion sources and electron guns 12. Medical and industrial applications 13. Radiation problems in accelerators 14. Special presentations (without classification) RuPAC–2018 was attended by about 170 participants from 46 organizations, both home (32) and foreign (14) labs. 24 invited talks, 30 contributed oral reports and 135 posters (189 in total) were presented at the Conference.